Acacia on the Park, Northcote, Set to Start Construction as Northcote Bowl Battle Looms
Acacia on the Park, at 3 Separation Street, was one of the first major residential apartment buildings proposed for suburban Melbourne, after the State Government’s controversial Melbourne 2030 planning policy was introduced in 2002.
The 34-metre high Northcote apartment building was met with widespread community outrage when it was first proposed in 2003. The initial development was for a twin tower development. This was revised to just one tower, with about 90 apartments.
The Northcote project went on sale last February.
Castran Gilbert director Tim Brown said only a handful of apartments at Acacia on the Park remain. He said civil works at the site are finished, and expects digging out the foundation to start very soon. Construction of the tower should be complete by next year.
Some Northcote residents are expecting further conflict with the State Government Planning department, this time over a $37 million redevelopment of the AMF Northcote Bowl property at the corner of Separation Street and Victoria Road.
The property recently sold for $5 million to private developer Far East Consortium, which is proposing a 96-unit residential development.
Earlier this month, Premier Brumby and Planning Minister Justin Madden identified the ten-pin-bowling centre, as an example of a project it would intervene and “fast track” through planning, in an attempt to create construction jobs.
The City of Darebin is trying to get the building heritage listed.