Shane Crawford quits Melbourne with Brighton home sale

Ellesmere, pre-renovation.

Retired AFL player Shane Crawford and his partner, Olivia Anderson, have banked a speculated $8.1 million from their former Brighton family home.

The price for Ellesmere at 44 St Andrews Street comes in below guide ($9-$9.9m) – but still reflects a windfall for the pair which outlaid $3.05m in 2009, then renovated.

On 1447 square metres, the property includes a tennis court, pool and small self-contained guesthouse – all added by the vendors.

A c1887 Victorian, once held by Brighton mayor Thomas Wilson, contains four bedrooms and a study.

Fredman Property Group owner Joel Fredman was the agent (story continues below).

With the sale, the couple can settle in Byron Bay, where they also own a home and have been living since the COVID pandemic.

Mr Crawford, who grew up in Finley, near Canberra, retired from football in 2008.

He won a Brownlow medal nine years earlier.

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Marc Pallisco

A former property analyst and print journalist, Marc is the publisher of