Marketing Commences of $100 Million Braeside Industrial Estate

BALMAIN Trilogy, the new manager for the embattled Pacific First Mortgage Fund and City Pacific, has seized control of a $100 million industrial development in Melbourne’s outer south-east.

Construction of the first industrial warehouses on the 30-hectare parcel in Braeside, should now start within months.

Balmain has released 33 blocks in the first land subdivision covering 5.7 hectares.

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Goodman Group Signs Three Industrial Leases Totaling 84,000 Square Metres

GOODMAN Group has signed three major industrial leases totaling 84,000 square metres.

Transport company Wettenhalls has signed a five year lease for a 32,600 square metre facility at Laverton North, in Melbourne’s west. Wettenhalls is paying $60 per square metre to occupy the site within Goodman’s Wyndham Distribution Centre.

The space Wettenhall is moving into was previously occupied by Kmart, which is moving to a 76,700 square metre facility at Goodman’s Banfield Distribution Centre in Truganina, also in Melbourne’s west and not far from Laverton North.

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Top Melbourne Suburbs to Invest, For Budgets of Less Than $500,000

Flemington Post OfficeMELBOURNE’s once booming real-estate market has finally decelerated – and for the first time in a long time, buyers are calling the shots.

If you have a secure job, low debt and a will to own real estate – banks, developers and the Government want to talk.

But a word of advice: if you do take the plunge, spend what you can afford, rather than the maximum amount you can borrow.

Saturday Domain talks to some experts on which suburbs you should look at, no matter what your budget:

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