Property Council calls on local government to deliver green building incentives
“Furthermore, the report found that the sector as a whole could reduce its share of greenhouse
gas emissions by between 30 to 35 per cent whilst accommodating growth in the overall number
of buildings out to 2050.
“Currently, the property sector is delivering new green developments without any assistance
from local government, despite councils receiving the social, urban and significant financial
windfall benefits associated with the developments.
“The baton has now been passed from new buildings to existing buildings and the Property
Council is calling on local government to introduce an incentives scheme that will encourage
owners of existing building stock to undertake green refurbishments.
Specifically, the Property Council is calling on local government to immediately adopt the
following five point plan:
- A completed development should receive a sliding scale council rate reduction, based on its ‘As Built’ Green Star Rating. A 5-Star building receiving 20 per cent reduction,
with a 6-Star building receiving 40 per cent. - A 5-Star Green Star design (or above) development application lodged with council
must be processed by its planning department as a higher priority than non-Green Star
development applications. - A development application should receive a scaled development lodgement fee rebate. This would be based on its Green Star ‘As Built’ rating; a 5-Star rated building receives
a 50 per cent rebate and 6-Star receives a 100 per cent rebate once rated ‘As Built’. - Buildings built to 5 and 6-Star Green Star specifications should be entitled to increased
gross floor areas in their respective planning zones. For instance, a 5-Star design
building would be allowed a 10 per cent increase in gross floor area and a 6-Star design
building an additional 20 per cent. - An incentives program should be established to assist building owners to bring existing
building refurbishments up to a Green Star standard.
“This five point action plan will deliver benefits to the community through reduced greenhouse
gas emissions, tenants through reduced outgoings and the property sector – everybody wins,”
Mr. Paine said.