Peet & Co Makes Announcement: Brookland Greens Estate, Cranbourne
Gas emission issues at a disused municipal landfill site neighbouring the estate have caused state government emergency services agencies to recommend that the "most safe option for affected residents of the estate at this stage is to relocate from their homes".
The Country Fire Authority, Victoria Police, Department of Human Services and EPA Victoria also recommend that residents who remain ensure confined spaces are adequately ventilated.
The landfill site is owned by, and is the responsibility of, the City of Casey.
The matter has attracted intense media interest including criticism of the Council’s management of the landfill site and Peet’s decision to develop the estate.
Since the acquisition of the land, and the establishment of the Syndicate in 1998, Peet has undertaken all development in accordance with the appropriate planning and development approvals processes, including approvals from the City of Casey for the stages of the estate nearest the landfill site.
On behalf of the Syndicate, as the adjoining land owner, Peet remains deeply concerned about the possible threat posed to affected residents of its Brookland Greens estate by the City of Casey’s former landfill site and the manner in which the situation has escalated in recent days.
Peet is confident that it has actively advocated on behalf of the estate’s residents in relation to the management of gas emissions from the site.
Peet has called for an urgent meeting with the City of Casey and is seeking full information about the matter.