Dexus appoints former Attorney General of Australia, Nicola Roxon, to board

Sydney based property development giant and landlord Dexus has appointed former Attorney General of Australia Nicola Roxon to the board of Dexus Funds Management Limited (DXFM).

The independent director role is effective from September 1, Dexus said in this statement. Ms Roxon will also stand for election at Dexus’ 2017 Annual General Meeting, in October.

Ms Roxon has advised health organisations including Cancer Council Australia, Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board, Bupa Australia and New Zealand and Sir Zelman Cowen Centre Victoria University.

The 50-year old, who represented the safe Melbourne seat of Gellibrand, was also a former federal health minister.

In Parliament in 2012, the NSW-born but Victorian educated health advocate backed cigarette plain packaging. A few years earlier, she supported increasing a tax on alcopops. Roxon retired from politics in 2013.

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Marc Pallisco

A freelance property writer and experienced analyst, Marc is the co-founder of